第七章 C控制语句:分支和跳转
#includeint main(void){ int a=0, b=0, c=0; char ch; while ((ch = getchar()) != '#') { if (ch != ' ' && ch != '\n') c++; else if (ch != ' ') b++; else a++; } printf("空 格 数 目 :%3d\n", a); printf("换 行 数 目 :%3d\n", b); printf("其它字符数目:%3d\n", c); return 0;}
#includeint main(void){ int i = 0; char ch; char str[100]; printf("请输入字符(输入#结束):"); do { ch = getchar(); str[i++] = ch; } while (ch != '#'); for (i = 0; str[i] != '#'; i++) { if (str[i] == '\n') printf(" '\\n'/%-3d ", str[i]); else if (str[i] == '\t') printf(" '\\t'/%-3d ", str[i]); else printf(" '%c'/%-3d ", str[i], str[i]); if (i % 8 == 7) putchar('\n'); } putchar('\n'); return 0;}
#includeint main(void){ int input; int even = 0, odd = 0; int even_sum = 0, odd_sum = 0; printf("请输入整数(输入0结束):"); while (scanf("%d", &input) == 1 && 0 != input) { if (input % 2 == 0) { even++; even_sum += input; } else { odd++; odd_sum += input; } } if (0 == even) printf("偶数的总个数:0 平均值:0\n"); else printf("偶数的总个数:%d 平均值:%d\n", even, even_sum / even); if (0 == odd) printf("偶数的总个数:0 平均值:0\n"); else printf("奇数的总个数:%d 平均值:%d\n", odd, odd_sum / odd); return 0;}
4.利用if else语句编写程序读取输入,直到#。用一个感叹号代替每个句号,将原有的每个感叹号用两个感叹号代替,最后报告进行了多少次替代。
#includeint main(void){ char ch; int a = 0, b = 0; printf("请输入字符串,以“#”结束: \n"); while ((ch = getchar()) != '#') { if (ch == '.') { putchar('!'); a++; } else { if (ch == '!') { putchar('!'); putchar('!'); b++; } else { putchar(ch); } } } printf("\n"); printf("'.'有%d次被替代为'!'\n", a); printf("'!'有%d次被替代为'!!'\n", b); printf("总共替代了%d次\n", a + b); return 0;}
#includeint main(void){ int input; int even = 0, odd = 0; int even_sum = 0, odd_sum = 0; printf("请输入整数(输入0结束):"); while (scanf("%d", &input) == 1 && 0 != input) { switch (input % 2) { case 0: even++; even_sum += input; break; case 1: odd++; odd_sum += input; break; } } if (0 == even) printf("偶数的总个数:0 平均值:0\n"); else printf("偶数的总个数:%d 平均值:%d\n", even, even_sum / even); if (0 == odd) printf("偶数的总个数:0 平均值:0\n"); else printf("奇数的总个数:%d 平均值:%d\n", odd, odd_sum / odd); return 0;}
6.编写一个程序读取输入,直到#,并报告序列ei出现的次数。此程序必须要记住前一个字符和当前的字符。用诸如“Receive your eieio award.”的输入测试它。
#includeint main(void){ char ch = '*',temp; int i = 0; printf("请输入字符,直到#结束:"); while (temp = ch, ch = getchar(), '#' != ch) if ('e' == temp && 'i' == ch) i++; printf("ei出现的次数为:%d\n", i); return 0;}
c.税率 前300美元为15%
#include#define LIMIT1 300#define TAX1 0.15#define LIMIT2 150#define TAX2 0.2#define LIMIT3 450#define TAX3 0.25#define TIME 40#define ADD 1.5#define BASE 10.00int main(void){ float time; float total, tax, salary; printf("请输入你一周工作的小时数:"); scanf("%f", &time); if (time > TIME) time = (time - TIME) * ADD + TIME; total = time * BASE; if (total <= LIMIT1) tax = total * TAX1; else if (total <= LIMIT3) tax = LIMIT1 * TAX1 + (total - LIMIT1) * TAX2; else tax = LIMIT1 * TAX1 + LIMIT2 * TAX2 + (total - LIMIT3) * TAX3; salary = total - tax; printf("本周总工资:%.2f;税金:%.2f;实际工资:%.2f\n", total, tax, salary); return 0;}
Enter the number corresponding to the desired pay rate or action:
1) $8.75/hr 2) $9.33/hr
3) $lO.OO/hr 4) $11.20/hr
5) quit
#include#define LIMIT1 300#define TAX1 0.15#define LIMIT2 150#define TAX2 0.2#define LIMIT3 450#define TAX3 0.25#define TIME 40#define ADD 1.5#define BASE1 8.75#define BASE2 9.33#define BASE3 10.00#define BASE4 11.20void menu(void);void fun(float base);int main(void){ char ch; menu(); while (( ch = getchar()) != '5') { while (getchar() != '\n') continue; switch (ch) { case '1': fun(BASE1); break; case '2': fun(BASE2); break; case '3': fun(BASE3); break; case '4': fun(BASE4); break; default: printf("Please enter the correct option(1 2 3 4 or 5):"); } while (getchar() != '\n') continue; putchar('\n'); menu(); } return 0;}void menu(void){ printf("Enter the number corresponding to"); printf(" the desired pay rate or action :\n"); printf("1) $8.75 / hr 2) $9.33 / hr \n"); printf("3) $lO.OO / hr 4) $11.20 / hr\n"); printf("5) quit\n");}void fun(float base){ float time; float total, tax, salary; printf("请输入一周工作的时间(小时):"); scanf("%f", &time); if (time > TIME) time = (time - TIME) * ADD + TIME; total = time * base; if (total <= LIMIT1) tax = total * TAX1; else if (total <= LIMIT3) tax = LIMIT1 * TAX1 + (total - LIMIT1) * TAX2; else tax = LIMIT1 * TAX1 + LIMIT2 * TAX2 + (total - LIMIT3) * TAX3; salary = total - tax; printf("本周总工资:%.2f;税金:%.2f;实际工资:%.2f\n", total, tax, salary);}
#includeint main(void){ int a; int i, j; printf("请输入一个整数:"); scanf("%d", &a); printf(" 1是素数\n"); for (i = 2; i <= a; i++) { for (j = 2; j*j <= i; j++) { if (i % j == 0) break; } if (j*j > i) { printf("%5d是素数\n", i); } } return 0;}
10. 1988年United States Federal Tax Schedule是近期最基本的。它分为4类,每类有两个等级。下面是其摘要;美元数为应征税的收入。
┃ 种 类 ┃ 税 金 ┃
┃单 身 ┃前17,850美元按15%,超出部分按28% ┃
┃户 主 ┃前23,900美元按15%,超出部分按28% ┃
┃已婚 共有 ┃前29,750美元按15%,超出部分按28% ┃
┃已婚 离异 ┃前14,875美元按l5%,超出部分按28% ┃
例如,有20 000美元应征税收入的单身雇佣劳动者应缴税金0.15×17 850美元+0.28×(20 000美元-17 850美元)。
#include#define TAXD 0.15#define TAXU 0.28#define KIND1 17850.00#define KIND2 23900.00#define KIND3 29750.00#define KIND4 14875.00void menu(void);void fun(double);int main(void){ char ch; menu(); while ((ch = getchar()) != '5') { while (getchar() != '\n') continue; switch (ch) { case '1': fun(KIND1); break; case '2': fun(KIND2); break; case '3': fun(KIND3); break; case '4': fun(KIND4); break; default: printf("请输入正确的选项(1 2 3 4 or 5):"); } putchar('\n'); menu(); while (getchar() != '\n') continue; } return 0;}void menu(void){ printf("请选择付税类别:\n"); printf("1)单身。 2)户主。\n"); printf("3)已婚,共有。 4)已婚,离异。\n"); printf("5)退出。\n");}void fun(double kind){ double income; double tax; printf("请输入税前总收入:"); scanf("%lf", &income); if (income <= kind) tax = income * TAXD; else tax = kind * TAXD + (income - kind) * TAXU; printf("应付税金为:%.2lf\n", tax); }
11. ABC Mail Order Grocery朝鲜蓟的售价是1.25美元/磅,甜菜的售价是0.65美元/磅,胡萝卜的售价是0.89美元/磅。在添加运输费用之前,他们为100美元的订单提供5%的打折优惠。对5磅或以下的定单收取3.50美元的运输和装卸费用;超过5磅而不足20磅的定单收取1O.OO美元的运输和装卸费用:20磅或以上的运输,在8美元基础上每磅加收0.1美元。编写程序,在循环中使用switch语句,以便对输入a的响应是让用户输入所需的朝鲜蓟磅数,b为甜菜的磅数,c为胡萝卜的磅数,而q允许用户退出订购过程。然后程序计算总费用、折扣和运输费用(如果有运输费的话),以及总数。随后程序应该显示所有的购买信息:每磅的费用、订购的磅数、该订单每种蔬菜的费用、订单的总费用、折扣,如果有的话加上运输费用,以及所有费用的总数。
#include#define PRICE 100#define DISCOUNT_RATE 0.05void menu(void);double in_lb(void);void empty(void);int main(void){ const double price_a = 1.25; const double price_b = 0.65; const double price_c = 0.89; char ch; double lb_a = 0.00; double lb_b = 0.00; double lb_c = 0.00; double lb_total = 0.00; double cost_a = 0.00; double cost_b = 0.00; double cost_c = 0.00; double cost_total = 0.00; double final_total = 0.00; double discount = 0.00; double shipping = 0.00; menu(); while ((ch = getchar()) != 'q') { empty(); switch (ch) { case 'a': lb_a += in_lb(); empty(); break; case 'b': lb_b += in_lb(); empty(); break; case 'c': lb_c += in_lb(); empty(); break; default: printf("请输入正确的选项(a b c or q):"); } menu(); } //总费用 cost_a = price_a * lb_a; cost_b = price_b * lb_b; cost_c = price_c * lb_c; lb_total = lb_a + lb_b + lb_c; cost_total = cost_a + cost_b + cost_c; //折扣 if (cost_total > PRICE) discount = cost_total * DISCOUNT_RATE; //运输费用 if (lb_total < 5) shipping = 3.50; else if (lb_total < 20) shipping = 10.00; else shipping = 8 + (int)lb_total * 0.10; printf("\n订单详情:\n"); printf("朝鲜蓟单价$%.2f。 %.2f磅总价$%.2f\n", price_a, lb_a, cost_a); printf("甜菜单价$%.2f。 %.2f磅总价$%.2f\n", price_b, lb_b, cost_b); printf("胡萝卜单价$%.2f。 %.2f磅总价$%.2f\n", price_c, lb_c, cost_c); printf("蔬菜的总费用:%.2lf\n", cost_total); printf("折扣:%.2lf\n", discount); printf("运输费用:%.2lf\n", shipping); printf("应付的费用:%.2lf\n", cost_total - discount); return 0;}void menu(void){ printf("请选择类别:\n"); printf(" a)朝鲜蓟 b)甜菜\n"); printf(" c)胡萝卜 q)退出\n");}double in_lb(void){ double a; printf("请输入重量:"); scanf("%lf", &a); return a;}void empty(void){ while (getchar() != '\n') ;}